Global, Website, Store, Store View magento
Hello Friends
If you want to know about keyword like Global, Website, Store, Store View in magento then read my below article
Global: This refers to the entire installation.
Website: Websites are ‘parents’ of stores. A website consists of one or more stores. Websites can be set up to share customer data, or not to share any data
Store (or store view group): Stores are ‘children’ of websites. Products and Categories are managed on the store level. A root category is configured for each store view group, allowing multiple stores under the same website to have totally different catalog structures.
Store View: A store needs one or more store views to be browse-able in the front-end. The catalog structure per store view will always be the same, it simply allows for multiple presentations of the data in the front. 90% of implementations will likely use store views to allow customers to switch between 2 or more languages.
If you want to know about keyword like Global, Website, Store, Store View in magento then read my below article
Global: This refers to the entire installation.
Website: Websites are ‘parents’ of stores. A website consists of one or more stores. Websites can be set up to share customer data, or not to share any data
Store (or store view group): Stores are ‘children’ of websites. Products and Categories are managed on the store level. A root category is configured for each store view group, allowing multiple stores under the same website to have totally different catalog structures.
Store View: A store needs one or more store views to be browse-able in the front-end. The catalog structure per store view will always be the same, it simply allows for multiple presentations of the data in the front. 90% of implementations will likely use store views to allow customers to switch between 2 or more languages.
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